Sneaky Exercise For Your Diabetes Health

Exercise is very important for diabetes management and for managing our increased risk of heart disease. Getting that exercise is easier than you probably think.

Hi… It’s Toby with Diabetes Everyday talking to you today about exercise.

Exercise and Diabetes - 4 Things You Need to Know

  1. Exercise is very important to everything: blood sugar management, heart health, mobility as we age, stress reduction… Literally everything
  2. It’s recommended that we get 150 minutes per week of physical activity, mixing aerobic activities like running with resistance exercise like weight lifting
  3. You don’t have to run or lift weights… The idea that you have to “suit up” and go to the gym is just not true.
  4. Every little bit of activity counts… That 150 minutes can be 5 minutes at a time 30 times per week…. Only 5 minutes, five times each day (with Sundays off). Generally, people will exercise for 30 minutes, 5 days per week to get 150 minutes per week. 

Be Sure To Check Out - Aerobic Activity Best at Reducing Dangerous Visceral Fat

Let me show you… Actually, I did. All this talking and walking, that’s exercise.

Here Are Some Other Exercise Ideas That Don’t Involve a Gym...

  • I could drive in circles through this parking lot racing to get the closest space to the door, or I could park out here and walk literally an extra 50 yards going and coming getting some exercise and probably even saving time.
  • If you take your dog out for a bathroom break and stand around, think about going on a walk.
  • This is a stretch band, resistance exercise made easy. Exercising muscles increases insulin sensitivity which is especially good news for people with type 2 diabetes. I love exercise bands because they can go anywhere with you- any part of the house or if you are traveling – your exercise band is lightweight and can go wherever you go.
  • Watching TV? Spend the commercials walking around the house or use those exercise bands during commercial breaks - for an hour television program, you can get 15 minutes of exercise time. You can also use commercial break time to do knee bends or leg lifts.
  • Housework - there is an extra bonus for cleaning the house. Dusting or vacuuming can be your workout program plus you will have a clean house! Put on some music and I bet your movements will increase as you clean the house. And that brings up another fun idea if you like to dance, turn up the music and dance away - you will be having fun as you exercise.

Be Sure To Check Out - Sedentary Lifestyle Harmful……Even With Exercise

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